Monday, May 31, 2010

Kennedy's Pre-school Graduation

Kennedy with her wonderful teachers, Miss Sue and Miss Joan
Kennedy did NOT like wearing this cap and gown. She didn't complain but I could tell felt uncomfortable and she took it off very quickly.

(yes she is wearing my pink lipstick that stays on after it drys and she applied it herself before we left the house.)

(making sure her lipstick looks good)
Okay, I am so in love with these videos (just wish they were good quality). Kennedy did such a good job enunciating every word and did all the actions.

(Kennedy has really been liking my lipstick lately. The other night during dinner K was complaining (and whining/crying) that her legs hurt so I looked at them and they looked very dry so I told her to go down to my bathroom and get my lotion and we would put it on. She went and when she came back she was quiet, she had no lotion and she went right back to her seat and picked up her fork. We looked over and she had lots of my pink lipstick on.......(did she think we wouldn't notice?)

Don: You couldn't find the lotion?
K: Nope
Don: Did you put on some of Mom's lipstick?
K: Yep
Don: So did you have any time to LOOK for the lotion?
K: Nope

Ha! I love her.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Cannon Beach
After we spent a little while at Seaside we moved down just past Cannon where there was less wind. First we had to set up a seating area for our fire. (By WE I clearly mean THEM)

The tide was low and so we could walk around these rocks that were covered in sea life. It was amazing.

We had such a fun day at the beach. Mason said it was the best day ever. I love when I hear those words.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Seaside Beach
Our nieces and nephews are so good to our kids. Our kids are the youngest so they don't have any playmates their ages, but it makes family events really fun because we can actually relax sometimes, since we kinda have built in babysitters. :)
Kennedy and my niece Jessica.
Jess, Lance, Ryker, Don, Bruce, Sheree, Kevin
Ryker did not like this cold, windy beach.
Uncle Bruce put these glasses on Ryker and he didn't move at all, just glared at Bruce until they fell off.
The Oregon coast is the best place to fly a kite. You don't have to do a thing except hang on.
Jeremiah and Mason

Friday, May 28, 2010

Portland/Seaside Trip
We took a quick trip over to Portland to visit Don's sister Sheree and her family. We went over to Seaside for a day and had so much fun. The kids got to ride on the carousel.
We stopped at Camp 18 on our way over and the kids loved these statues. (I overheard Mason telling someone that he saw Bigfoot when we were at the coast.)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Girly Girls - Who aren't afraid of worms

These Girls play together almost everyday, most of the day. They love to dress up, put on "make-up", do their nails, dig in the dirt, jump on the trampoline, ride bikes/scooters, and swing. It's so nice to have a playmate right next door.

The day after these pictures were taken, I found something gross on the concrete in the back. I asked the girls about it and they said it was a worm that they had pulled apart and then smashed. Mason said they like to find worms out back and tear them up. He said they also did that to a caterpillar once. (He does not participate in such gruesome activities. And even though I find it gross and cruel, I am glad that they are not scared/squeamish about such things.)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Father and Son Camp Out

So what do you do when the forecast for the father/son camp out is RAIN, RAIN, and more RAIN?

You ditch the ward and take your son to Red Robin for dinner, you come home and build a fire in the backyard, have smores, and sleep on the trampoline. Just you and Dad. Doesn't get better than that.
(I actually thought this was better. I am nervous the whole time they are gone when they are at the camp out because I know the boys often go explore and the Dad's talk. I always picture my son being lost in the woods. (Don assures me he knows where Mason is at all times.) I also thought this was better bonding time for them and Mason really did think this was the best.)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jeremiah's Baseball Game
We took the kids to Jeremiah's (Don's nephew) game. Don kicked it on the grass and snapped a few photos of the kids, while I talked to Sheree. So we have pictures of our kids and none of the game. Nice.

Monday, May 24, 2010

My Carrot Peeler

Thank you Mason for always being willing to peel the carrots for me. I know that someday more of the carrot will be left on the carrot and less will be in the garbage. :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mason: Kennedy!? Why did you do that? Mom, Kennedy drew boogers on my picture that I worked really hard on.

Me: Kennedy, that wasn't very nice.

Mason: Ya! You went downstairs with us then snuck up and drew those boogers.

Kennedy: No. I stayed up here and then when YOU went down I drew them.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

We took a trip down to Utah this Spring to visit my sister and her family. We were there over Easter and had so much fun. Thankfully she takes more pictures than I do and I stole most of these from her blog.

Starting the Easter Basket Scavenger Hunt
Ryan, Carter, Kennedy and Mason

Waiting for the Easter Egg Hunt and Uncle Blake and Aunt Shauna's house. We had to move it in doors due to the snow outside.
Kennedy loved being spoiled by her Aunt Amberly
Playing games with family

We are obviously a very funny group.
Can't forget Cafe Rio
(okay I think this was actually Costa Vida but I feel like we are cheating on our true love)

Amberly took the kids to this Jumping place, which they loved.

We had such a fun trip and were spoiled so much. Can't wait to do it again.