Monday, April 13, 2009

don't you love when you go to get your hungry baby and he tucks his legs up, arches his back, and stretches? i. love. it.


Amberly said...

yes, i love it too. where can i get me one?

Angelle said...

Tara, Congrats! He is adorable, and huge! Agreed, nothing is better than giving your baby a bath, feeding him, then putting him down for a nap. Love it. Cute little stretch!

Brooke said...

I love when they tuck their knees and stretch ... being a mother is so wonderful. It's funny to think that the last time I saw you - you guys didn't have kids and now you have 3. Hopefully some day we'll run into eachother again. Your baby boy is adorable and I love your linens (you always had great taste in decor and clothes).

Amy said...

With the little arms up over their head right??? That is my all time favorite!

I love the black, white and green color scheme!

Amy said...

Or is it brown white and green . . . still cute!

Megan said...

I do love it.

thelivesofthebradyfamily said...

Congrats! Wow, he is a big boy! I love new born babies. I hope you are recovering well! He is adorable!

yennu said...

Way to go Tara - Ava was 9 lbs 5 oz. I'm a little worried about this one. He is so cute. I hope he is sleeping for you and happy as can be. I bet your kids are loving him.

elements: overexposed said...

What a cutie! Congratulations!

Zobrist Family said...

Tara! Congrats! Dana told me your were pregnant, and apparently you're not anymore!:-)...How exciting!!

The Bloxham Bunch said...

He is so beautiful (that is ok for boys to be I hope) Congratulations!

Kristen said...

I want one of those almost as much as the diaper bag you ordered. ;)