Thursday, November 19, 2009

Parent/Teacher Conference


We had Mason's first parent/teacher conference this morning, and it was wonderful. Mason had a + or an E (exceptional) on every section of his report card AND he has scored VERY TOP in his class for literacy.

I am so grateful to have a smart little boy who strives to do his best and wants to please. I am also grateful to a Grandfather who always said not to start a boy with a summer birthday in school until he is 6.

Mason SHOULD score well because he technically could be in 1st grade. However his teacher did say he also scored very well for a 1st grader and that his penmanship is also great for a first grader.

She also said that he always listens to instructions and follows all directions. This is something that we work really hard on at home so I am glad that it is showing at school.

I know that we made the best decision for him and I hope that we continue to get these great reviews through out coming years.

(A funny little note...I told Mason last night that I was going to his conference today and that his teacher was going to tell me all the bad things that he does at school. He knew that I was teasing and grinned but then got a little nervous and said, "I did get in trouble once in line for talking". Then a little while later he said, "Mom, I did get in trouble one other time for talking over Ms. Perkins. But I didn't get a yellow card."

Don't worry I assured him that I was teasing and that I knew his teacher had wonderful things to tell me.)

1 comment:

Amberly said...

Mason is a great kiddo, you should be proud. I am likewise glad about waiting on my summer birthday boy. It makes all the difference.