Swimming Lessons
I usually have the kids do 3 sessions of swimming lessons each summer, which is 6 weeks and they are all ready to be DONE after the first session. There are some things that they can choose to do or not to do, this is not one of them for me.
Ryker usually just wonders around and plays on the chairs.

These two play in the kiddie pool while their brothers are having their lesson.

These kids have become quite the swimmers. Mason has been in level 6 these past 2 years (that is why he thinks he should be done) and now needs to perfect all the strokes that he has learned. Kennedy is still in level 3 but by the end of the summer she was doing very well with her crawl stroke and could hold her own anywhere in the pool.
It is so nice when you can go to the pool and your kids can swim and you don't have to worry about them. Thankfully their best friends are members too and so they have someone to play with when we go. It is always hard when we invite other friends because my kids forget their manners and just want to play in the deep end and their friends don't know how to swim well enough.
Next year I will have Mason do swim team and see how he likes it. If he wants to be done after that, I will be more open to it. However, I am hoping that if he earns a few ribbons he might think that it is fun and want to keep going for a few more years. Swimming is the best activity for these kids in this hot weather!