Sunday, November 15, 2009

Crazy Few Months

We have had the most crazy few months. Here is a short list....

-Grandma Ballard died
-Ryker born
-Fam reunion in Utah
-Renter #1 died
-Renter #2 give notice and move
-find new renter
-Renter #3 give notice and move
-clean, clean, clean
-find new renter
-Family of renter #1 halfway empties house
-Gut rental and start renovations
-Don's Dad died
-Renter #4 gives notice and moves
-Find new renter
-Grandpa died
-New bathroom goes in
-New kitchen goes in
-Renter #5 gives notice
-Finish renovations
-Renter moves in

Did you follow that. Ya, I know....CRAZY! We have had 3 family deaths and have had 4 renters move in the last few months and one moving in the next couple of months(hopefully after Christmas).

So not only have I been a busy mother lately, I have been a professional house cleaner, painter, contractor, and slave.



Amy said...

You have had it pretty rough . . .I hope things calm down really soon:)

Angelle said...

Oh my...Tara! I am so sorry! Especially about Don's Dad, and the other family members passing! That is so awful. I feel like we are much too young to be losing parents. You have gone through so much, and deserve a peaceful holiday season. Hang in there.

Steve and Julie said...

Ohhh, yes. I think slave describes it adequately. Our renters swore they were going to buy our old house, but it got broken into and robbed 3 weeks ago. They aren't sounding like they want to stay there much longer. Not that I blame them. I wouldn't feel safe either. That all sounds like so much work. I am so sorry. Hang in there!