The high and lows of coming home...It seems to be such an emotional roller coaster those first few weeks at home. I know that pregnancy hormones play a factor in that, but knowing still doesn't make it any easier.

Here we all are with Piper just a couple hours old
(Our new family of SIX. It makes me laugh to think that we ARE INDEED a family of SIX!) (My kids always look like ragamuffins in hospital pictures...don't feel bad Mom, I'm glad they are happy and taken care of.:))So here are some of our Highs and Lows of the first few weeks...
High: This was my BEST labor and delivery. I really didn't want an epidural or any drugs. I did it and it felt so good. My contractions were 15 minutes apart all morning, we went in to the doctor at 2:00 to have her check me and I was at a 7. (We didn't go to the hospital first because I thought they would send me home since they were so far apart.) My contractions stayed 15 minutes apart until about 3:30, then 10 minutes apart for a couple. Then my water broke and I was ready to push. I "tried" not to push while waiting for my midwife. My midwife got there and since she was already crowning I gave one push and she was born at 4:00. It was all crazy wonderful.
Low: This is my forth time having stitches. I REALLY hate stiches.
High: Piper easily fell into a 2 1/2 - 3 hour eating schedule and has at least a 5 hour stretch each night and often a 7-8 hour stretch.
Low: Piper thinks its okay to poop like 30 times a day. This bad habit led to an ugly diaper rash for a day, but we have it under control now.
High: Snuggling a cute little person.
(Don't you just love when you pick them up and they arch their back and curl their legs up...that really is the best)Low: Our house feels VERY small now and our other 3 children seem to have much more energy than before which I didn't know was possible.
High: Having so many great friends that fed us for over a week followed by my sister who flew in from California and took care of us for 3 1/3 days AND filled my freezer with meals.
High: Having a wonderful husband who has a flexible job and was able to take time off work to help and be with us for a couple of weeks.
(Maybe I should have put a bow on her head if I was going to take a picture of her in her brothers clothes. But who has time for that...remember...we are a family of SIX now.)