There is a no gum rule at Mason's Pre-school. I knew this, but I forgot. The other day Mason asked for a piece of gum, I got him one and rushed him out the door for school. Upon his return home, he asked for another piece because he had to get rid of his at school.
Mom: "Oh, that's right you had to spit it out because you can't have gum at school."
Mason: (in a sneaky voice) "Yep, but I got really far with it."
Mom: "Really far with it?"
Mason: "Ya, I had it all the way until the end of the day when we were watching the ballerinas." (the nutcracker dancers came for a visit this day)
Although Don and I had a good laugh about this, I was disappointed that he was so proud of sneaking his gum most of the day. He is my sweet little boy that wants to please and USUALLY follows all the rules. I know its just gum, but I hated that he was sneaking.
The sneaking didn't stop that day.
I have told him he can't take toys to school. (I am assuming this is a rule.) Well he made a treasure map this morning and took it in his pocket to use at recess with his friends. He told me he pulled it out and showed everyone "where to go" and then folded it back up really small and put it back in his pocket. Mmmmmm.
Stay tuned for more sneaking at our house....I'm afraid it is just beginning.
I want to hear the sneaky voice. I wonder if he knows to put it under his tongue when the teacher is looking at him. :)
Sneaky Sneaky. I can't wait for the age.
To answer your question Liam does really like his thumb. He sleeps with it always. He will even stop nursing to suck his thumb. And then start nursing again.
Oh girl! I totally know what you mean! My 6 year old had to leave the room while he was having a conversation on the phone with my brother tonight - apparanently he wanted to use a word (poop) that he knew I'd give him the eye over... so he was sneaky and just left the room and came back when he had finished his story. I guess he didn't realize that I am sneaky too, and followed him to see what he was up to!
Congrats on the boy! Too bad you can't please everyone! You didn't mention whether the baby was developing normally or not- I hope everthing is as it should be.
Love those swim lesson pictures. I taught swim lessons for 7 or 8 years and I never made anyone go off the high dive because I hated when my swim teacher forced me to do it!
What a sneaky little boy you have! It's pretty impressive that he lasted all day with the gum!
Hmmmm, I wonder where he gets it from...his mom? Don't pretend you didn't go "sneakin'" around in your new keds...mmmmmm hmmmmm. That's what I'm talkin' about.
I like the treasure map part! That's awesome.
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