Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Summer Swimming Lessons

Mason loved swimming lessons this summer. He finally got over his fears and so he had so much more fun playing at the pool this year. Thankfully he is such a good boy that he usually follows directions and so when I wasn't in the pool with him he would stay in the shallow end like I asked him to do. (Then I didn't have to worry.)

I also think that it helped that I got him goggles. I always thought goggles were for wimps. I don't know why I thought that, but I'm over it and he swims much better now that he has them.

(One evening we were all getting together at Don's sisters house and I arrived after everyone else. My Mother-in-Law said "Wow, Mason is swimming so well, you didn't tell me he could swim all the way across the pool." Oh, I didn't know he could. Apparently he wanted to show her so he jumped off the diving board and swam all the way to the shallow end. I was so proud of my little 5 year old.)

His two "best moves" off the diving board this summer included this...
and this.
Pretty fancy stuff. :)

Kennedy did not enjoy lessons this summer, at all. She was used to the warm room that she swam in during the winter and spring that this going outside stuff was no fun to her. I have to admit the pool was pretty cold. She would lay on the concrete to get warm while she was waiting for her turn.
On the last day of swimming lessons this teacher makes them go off the slide and Kennedy was having no part of it. Here she staying as far away as possible.
Here she is after the teacher "helped" her up there...
Kennedy decided she would be going back down...
Stefany way...I'll go with you then.
Kennedy was so ticked and still tells me she hates the slide. Hopefully next summer will bring more luck with her.


Megan said...

I think it's funny that Kenna is completely dry in all of the pictures. The cold pool was probably worse for her because she has no fat to keep her warm.
Good to hear that Mason had fun. And goggles aren't for wimps. They are for the smart.

Amberly said...

Mason's moves ARE fancy.

I love that Kennedy's teacher won the battle of wills. You are lucky you found someone who is not a push over like me. I would have said, "Oh, you don't want to try the slide? Okay." And then I probably would have picked up that cute little girl and packed her around on my hip the rest of the lesson.

elements: overexposed said...

Congratulations on baby boy! I can't believe how bummed Kennedy was, so funny, but so sad for baby. Ha!

Also, great swimming lessons photos. Too funny! I love little kids. They crack me up.

The Donald said...

Wow, Mason is a little fish. Alexandra finally was OK this year about swimming. On the other hand, Lorelai is lightyears ahead of Alexandra in the swimming skills department.

Oh how I wish for those warm summer swimming days again!

My Three Sons said...

Go Mason, go Mason you little fish! Kennedy will realize the wonders of the water eventually. Maybe you should take her to Hawaii where she can spend all day in the Pacific with her Dad :)