Should Mason be in trouble for making snow angels......with flour......on the kitchen his underwear? I did make him clean it up (as well as a 3 year old can sweep up flour).....after I got out the camera and got a few shots.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Born November 20,2006 4:57pm
9 lb 5 oz, 19 inches long

My little sister Megan and her husband Tyson just adopted a baby boy, we are all so excited for them. Aiden has been in the NICU because he had lots of fluid in his lungs but he is doing well. Hopefully he will be released today....HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Saturday, November 04, 2006
We took the kids to see the Carebears at the mall today and the line was sooo long. I guess I am not very patient because I didn't even consider for one second standing in a line that would most likely take over 45 minutes to have my kids shake the hand of a huge stuffed animal. So...we headed over to the Children's Museum.
There was this stuffed Bee there that Kennedy was quite fond of. She probably shook his hand 25 times....she followed him everywhere he went. Apparently Mason liked him as well because on our way home he asked if we could call him on the phone and see if he can come over to play tomorrow.
Kennedy has already learned the fine art of throwing a HUGE tantrum when she doesn't get what she wants. When it was time for us to leave the museum she cried and cried and then screamed all the way to the car and then for about 5 more minutes. I don't remember Mason doing that at her age. Maybe I have just repressed the memory...
Mason likes to dress up and play with everything they have there but it only lasts for about 5 seconds. For example, he put on this hat and jacket and jumped in the truck, said "Look Mom, I'm a fireman" and then was out of the truck and undressed in about 3 seconds. I guess he has my attention span, poor guy.
Thursday, November 02, 2006

Here is what I found when I got out today. Mason having some milk, on the couch, in front of the TV, with CARAMELS. It could have been much worse I least the milk jug was still in its upright position. However, I did not enjoy cleaning up the puke in the car on the way to the mall today. Hopefully he believed me when I explained that when we eat candy for breakfast our tummy doesn't like it...
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Here is little Miss Kennedy. She is now 19 months and getting to be quite sassy and oh, so cute.
She enjoyed carving the pumpkin much more than her brother who wouldn't even consider sticking his hand inside.
Here is the big brother. Mason turned 3 at the end of July and has more energy than the rest of us combined. Although it appears that he has never had his hair cut, he has. Many times actually, I just always tell them, "just a trim, don't cut too much". Poor guy, he is often mistaken for a girl.
I think that it is impossible to get a picture of both of your kids looking at the camera at the same time, which actually is okay with me, (since I have no other option).