Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Okay I have read of 2 people this week (so sorry guys) that have lost many of their pictures do to computer failure.

So my challenge to all....

Stop checking blogs right now and go back up ALL of your photos onto CD's or a thumb drive. I will be backing mine up as soon as I finish typing this post.

Side note: I am glad that everyone has potty talk in their home and not just me. So thanks for the support. I do have to say, I have NEVER heard him talk like this at school so they must know how bad it really is. Come to think of it, he never talks at school about anything. HA! Just like his Mom...J/K, just like his DAD.


The Stars at Night...Deep in the Heart of Texas said...


I just read your comment on Nicole's blog and I'm still freaking out about it. How did you recover from that! Did you wash Kennedy's mouth out with clorox??

elements: overexposed said...

Thanks for the reminder, we did it!