Friday, November 30, 2007

So I need some opinions. I have been noticing little boys that have long hair lately and most of them don't look very good. In fact, I was looking at a little boy and thinking he would be much cuter if his mom cut his hair and then I realized, his hair looked almost exactly like Mason's.

I am aware that in this picture it needs a trim, we cut about 1 inch off the day after this picture, but I am asking... Is it time to chop off his hair? I am thinking that it is, but I really do want some opinions. It really isn't even as curly as it used to be. I'll show you a short time line.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sucking Blood and Karate

So last night Mason was in trouble and I got up from the table to "guide" him to his room and as I approached him he whips out his karate moves and starts saying "HA, HA, YA, HA", while doing his moves on me. Can you believe that? Where do kids learn to be so rude. I have to admit after he was in his room, Don and I couldn't stop laughing.

P.S. Don and I have been trying to convince him to take Tae Kwon Do with his friend (Edyn - Libbie's little girl) and he tells us he doesn't want to because there will be parents watching and besides "I already know how to do karate" and then he will show you his "moves".

Later last night, he didn't want to go to bed and I told him in my scariest Vampire voice (which is oooh so scary) that if he didn't get in bed I was going to suck his blood then I attacked his neck. He laughed and said, "no you won't" and I said, "yes, I will" and he said "You don't have any sharp teeth". Then I told him that he just hadn't seen them yet. He decided not to test me and started going upstairs with his Dad and I heard him ask "Will Mom really suck my blood." I couldn't resist and I yelled up the stairs, "I sure will". What a mean mom.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Okay I have read of 2 people this week (so sorry guys) that have lost many of their pictures do to computer failure.

So my challenge to all....

Stop checking blogs right now and go back up ALL of your photos onto CD's or a thumb drive. I will be backing mine up as soon as I finish typing this post.

Side note: I am glad that everyone has potty talk in their home and not just me. So thanks for the support. I do have to say, I have NEVER heard him talk like this at school so they must know how bad it really is. Come to think of it, he never talks at school about anything. HA! Just like his Mom...J/K, just like his DAD.

Monday, November 12, 2007


I am in a preparedness group (Enrichment Activity) and we all have to come up with 7 days worth of meals that can be made from items that can be stored on the shelf. I need some help here. I can only come up with a couple of good recipes. So....if you have a good recipe that only uses canned, or boxed items, please share it with me.

I can use eggs, butter, and milk because I have powdered of those.

The purpose of this is for our 3 month supply that we should have. I do have my year supply but this is different.

Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Mr. Mason

Just a couple conversations between me and Mason....

The other day Mason was stretching with me and we were bending over touching our toes and they guy on the video said, "Niiiiiiiiice good stretch." and Mason said, (in a super snotty voice)"Doesn't feel good to me.". Ha.

I just popped popcorn for the kids and turned on Bug's Life and one of the bugs said "poo poo head" and Mason turned to me and said "see, we do talk like that". So I said, "No, we don't; I don't like it". His response? "I do". AGHHH!

Why do boys like potty talk? It is a constant battle in our home. What am I doing wrong? Does anyone else deal with potty talk? And now my sweet pea kennedy is doing it because she loves to copying anything and everything that her brother does.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Pumpkin Patch
I am a little slow at getting these pictures posted...surprise, surprise.
We went to a new (for us) pumpkin patch this year and Mason loved it. It has lots for the kids to do and it cost us an arm and leg to get in. :)
There wast this little maze of straw bales for the kids and bikes they could ride around with some pools filled with wheat. No, not corn, it was wheat. Weird, I know.

Hayride out to the pumpkin patch and back

Don and I were picking out the most perfect pumpkins and these are the ones our kids picked. Mason's is covered in warts and Kennedy's is green. I'm glad they liked the ones with some personality.

This is Don and his brother racing on the other track.

Dad and Kenna on the straw bale pyramid.

Mason and Kenna on top