Thursday, November 01, 2007

Pumpkin Patch
I am a little slow at getting these pictures posted...surprise, surprise.
We went to a new (for us) pumpkin patch this year and Mason loved it. It has lots for the kids to do and it cost us an arm and leg to get in. :)
There wast this little maze of straw bales for the kids and bikes they could ride around with some pools filled with wheat. No, not corn, it was wheat. Weird, I know.

Hayride out to the pumpkin patch and back

Don and I were picking out the most perfect pumpkins and these are the ones our kids picked. Mason's is covered in warts and Kennedy's is green. I'm glad they liked the ones with some personality.

This is Don and his brother racing on the other track.

Dad and Kenna on the straw bale pyramid.

Mason and Kenna on top


Lesley said...

Very cute pictures Tara! What a fun pumpkin patch! Where was it?! Glad you had a fun time!!

libbie said...

I am definitley going to this pumpkin patch next year. It looks way better than country mercantile. Oh yeah, and congratulations on finally posting again! Its about time!

The Stars at Night...Deep in the Heart of Texas said...

The pumpkin patch looks awesome! Where in the heck is that place?

How are you doing by the way. Anything new??